Queen Dairy
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  • Tip of the day: All the YouTubers who produce those "rise and fall" documentaries on others, while they're flexing their higher-than-thou intelligence as if to postulate that they are above the mistakes of others, ironically are the most hopeless when it comes to living real life. They are as Vladimir Putin, who gloats over the mistakes made by the Western civilization as a whole, masturbating over historical events and alliances as a justification for tyranny. It's like hearing the Devil himself tormenting you with saying: "Oh, if only you were more virtuous, it wouldn't be this way, but now look, you're all fallen.."

    Hallo, this is my official site. It is still a work in progress, so be patient. To order a DQ® sandwich, go here.

    For FORTNITE® players, here's a list of my maps.
    — use creator code DAIRY in item shop to support me!